Friday, June 27, 2008

Hendrik Mixtapes

Hendrik Chillin with Australia Hip Hop Superstar Anthony Mundine?

For those of you who are regular readers of tradehooks, you would have noticed some guy called Hendrik stirring the pot in pretty much every post he can get his hands on.

I personally believe he is a fuck and it is hurting me to actually to talk about him (jks)
But me and hendrik have a history, we used to play u11's Illawarra Rep Basketball together, and that crew is tight.

Hendrik also knows shit all about Hip Hop

But other than this he is a good guy, and turns out a half reasonable mixtape DJ at the same time. I have no idea what he uses to mix, but its put together well. He tells me for his latest mix he was drunk/high when he was putting it together. But me and Absentees had a listen last night and we thought it was tradehooks worthy.

I used M.I.A and Uffie as tags because he abuses both of them. Even though he tore on Uffie in every post on here she has been in.

His latest Mix My Shitty Mixtape Vol. 2

His Mix from Early 2007 My Shitty Mixtape Vol. 1



  1. I am nor insulted nor emphatic with the way you have described me to the common public.

    Haha cheers guys ;-)

    (perhaps remove the line about my drinking/etc etc?) for personal reasons

  2. This blog sucks some huge f***ing dicks!
    Scenester bullshit!
    Get some real god damn music.

  3. anonymously talking shit, that takes balls :)

  4. it takes balls that this blog sucks!
