Saturday, June 21, 2008

DOOM - End of Exams Party UOW

LG SHINE 2Megapixel

Yeh good night, problem is i didn't even notice/realise that DOOM started when he did. Is that a good thing? He played a solid set, well... i enjoyed it anyway.

ZOMG WTF!!!!!!!!!!eleven!!!!!!!!!!!!1?

When changed their layout and menus to be bigger, blue and have rounded edges we couldn't find a reason not to make a myspace.


If you're a dj, especially from Wollongong, add us, send us a track/mixtape/remix and we'll probably post it up (if it's good).
If you're not a dj, you can add us as well.

If anyone went saw Van She Tech last night, leave a comment, let us know how it was, send some party pix ("Hipster Runoff", 2008,, accessed: 21.6.08).

zshare: Sigur Ros - "Saeglopur"(MMMatthias Remix)


  1. spook played well, except i think he got edged by quinn timewise before doom started.

    i said this to tradehooks on the night, "spook played a better set than doom" i wasn't gonna put that on here, coz if you have seen spooks head it is already massive. but it was the truth. it proved that you dont have to play cheesy fuckin shit music, apparently like everyone at cooneys did last night, to get the crowd going in wollongong

    the crowd only got bigger when doom started coz its doom, the crowd was pumping more when spook was on coz he just played better music.

    and i know you out there who read this blog are gonna bak doom up coz he had to play to the crowd (a uni party) but i believe that that is a heap of shit, he is just maybe the crap guy in the bang gang. but, on paying him out, i have heard a good set by him, he is one of australia's best, just thursday wasnt his night.

    feel free to disagree, but dont give me any shit about playing to the crowd

  2. 20 bucks says spook raided some blogs an hour before his set for some new shit instead of playing the cliche miami horror shit.

  3. take that

    does spooks music lack the credibility of meaningful core bands like coldplay and u2? (HRO,p26)

  4. Wow Monday afternoon and the spices are in the pan already!

    I was there, spoke to Gigz for a bit and someone else from here.. selecta? absentees? not sure i was plastered beyond belief...

    was a good night all round and i was pleased to hear some solid tracks for once at the unibar, even ajax is guilty of playing a lousy selection of trax there..

    oh and doom played pjano! woooooo
