Saturday, May 31, 2008

MMMatthias is AAAt it AAAgain

As everyone should know Ratatat are bringing out their new album LP3 on the 7th of July and MMMatthias picked the perfect time to release his new remix of Ratatat's "Mirando".

MMMatthias Myspace
LP3 on Amazon - 7th July

mp3: Ratatat - Mirando (MMMatthias Remix)
mp3: Ratatat - Mirando one claimed the 10,000th visitor, so i guess ill be keeping the tickets to the Institubes party.

1 comment:

  1. Ratatat are touring Australia soon on these dates:
    * Apr 24 2008 - Essential Festival melbourne
    * Apr 25 2008 - Essential Festival Sydney
    * Apr 26 2008 - the tivoli brisbane
    * Apr 27 2008 - great northern byron bay

    soon?, as in in the past?
