Monday, September 15, 2008

Soulwax +Atrak + 2manyDjs + Monday

Hello Internets.

Today i have three tasty morsels for you happy punters out there:

1. Soulwax have released a new dvd, im trying to get my hands on a copy as we speak, i believe it is a dvd of live Soulwax sets/ 2manydjs sets / Touring banter. Its called Part of the Weekend never dies.

here is the intro

2 and 3:

Atrak is a great turntablist and it seems quite an attention whore. Below he presents Atrak's Guide to Hotels:

The Standard Hotel in LA

Some Swedish Hotel:

Thats all. 


  1. you can get it from JB hifi i thinks...

  2. 20 bucks says you guys wont listen to dance music in 6 months.

  3. Ill take that bet. I would be happy to put the money on the line if you had the balls to put your name up.
